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How to make CX work

Customer Experience Fails to Make a Mark

Successful companies in the modern age are the ones that can keep pace with—or even stay one step ahead of—their customers’ needs. Today’s tumultuous and uncertain times have only accelerated the need to stay agile and keep a close eye on your customer experience.

Staying in lockstep with your customers requires a proactive approach to understanding the customer experience and responding swiftly to changing customer needs.

While CX is clearly top of mind today – 89% of the over 300 C-level executives that were surveyed say that they’re extremely invested in CX. However they also indicate that there’s a gap between what organizations need to run their CX programs effectively and the capacity that’s freed up for it. Lack of sufficient capability is also mentioned frequently as an important obstacle.

In fact, 3 in 4 CX professionals say the CX approaches they’ve evaluated or implemented don’t match their needs. That means just a quarter of CX leaders have found a solution that matches their needs—the rest are either missing the capacity to implement (and follow up on insights from)  Customer Experience Research (42%), a good and effective supporting system to capture and analyse the data (27%) or the budget to implement (the full suite of) Customer Experience at the right level (23%).

SPARC has developed an Award Winning, agile and cost effective methodology that helps you to:

  • Increase the capacity (short term) of your team by having SPARC’s team working side by side
  • Increase the capability of your team (medium term) by empowering them to act on Feedback
  • Bring ‘Fit for Purpose’ supporting systems that truly drive CX Insights to ACTION
  • Implement Customer Experience solutions within the available budget
  • Listen to your customers wherever they are
  • Meet your customers where they are and make it easy for them to give real-time feedback in the channels that work best for them

If you want to know more about our award winning Customer Experience solutions, you can reach out to us here. We’d love to share our approach with you and tell you all about the possibilities to drive a great Customer Experience for your organisation!